] [
*Site Map [#v602bb45]
Welcome to ''Simutrans JAPAN''
This is the English Site Map.
The ''highlighted'' pages will be useful for the overseas...
//LEFT:&size(10){English contents will increase, includin...
**Download contents [#v0e560d0]
Pages linked below are written both in Japanese and Engli...
(Some items are not yet translated, maybe performed later.)
#ref(Addon128/Train 1/series0.gif,around,nolink,right,the...
Downloads are available directly from each pages' links,
shown with thumbnails.
#ref(アドオン/建物1/shiro.gif,around,nolink,70%,"shiro", ...
#ref(アドオン/列車5/eurostar.png,around,nolink,right,an e...
Now vehicle addons are over 100,
mainly designs which really exist in Japanese domestic li...
with accurate properties.
#ref(Addon128/Train 1/dc22_128a.png,around,nolink,right,a...
Original buildings, real-shaped maps,
and addons for the forthcoming 128x128 pixel set are also...
New addons are posted almost everyday!
***Addon 64 [#g6a61150]
-[[''Train addons 1''>アドオン/列車1]] JR (Japan Railway,...
-[[''Train addons 2''>アドオン/列車2]] Private Railways
-[[''Train addons 3''>アドオン/列車3]] a sequel to the tr...
-[[''Train addons 4''>アドオン/列車4]]
-[[''Train addons 5''>アドオン/列車5]]
-[[''Train addons 6''>アドオン/列車6]]
-[[''Train addons 7''>アドオン/列車7]]
-[[''Train addons 8''>アドオン/列車8]]
-[[''Train addons 9''>アドオン/列車9]]
-[[''Train addons 10''>アドオン/列車10]]
-[[''Train addons 11''>アドオン/列車11]]
-[[''Train addons 12''>アドオン/列車12]]
-[[''Train addons 13''>アドオン/列車13]]
-[[''Train addons 14''>アドオン/列車14]]
-[[''Train addons 15''>アドオン/列車15]]
-[[''Train addons 16''>アドオン/列車16]]
-[[''Train addons 17''>アドオン/列車17]]
-[[''Train addons 18''>アドオン/列車18]]
-[[''Train addons 19''>アドオン/列車19]]
-[[''Train addons 20''>アドオン/列車20]]
-[[''Train addons 21''>アドオン/列車21]]
-[[''Train addons 22''>アドオン/列車22]]
-[[''Monorail addons (Double Slope)''>アドオン/緩急坂/モ...
-[[''Monorail addons''>アドオン/monorail]] monorail
-[[''Truck addons 1''>アドオン/自動車]] trucks
-[[''Truck addons 2''>アドオン/自動車2]]
-[[''city car''>アドオン/街の車]] city car
-[[''Ships addons 1''>アドオン/船]] ships
-[[''Ships addons 2''>アドオン/船2]]
-[[''Aircrafts addons''>アドオン/飛行機]] aircrafts
-[[''rail & station add-on (Double Slope) 1''>アドオン/緩...
-[[''rail & station add-on (Double Slope) 2''>アドオン/緩...
-[[''rail & station add-on 1''>アドオン/railtool]] rail &...
-[[''rail & station add-on 2''>アドオン/railtool2]]
-[[''road & stop add-on (Double Slope) 1''>アドオン/緩急...
-[[''road & stop add-on (Double Slope) 2''>アドオン/緩急...
-[[''road & stop add-on''>アドオン/交通施設 2]] road & s...
-[[''Buildings addons 1''>アドオン/建物1]] buildings
-[[''Buildings addons 2''>アドオン/建物2]]
-[[''Buildings addons 3''>アドオン/建物3]]
-[[''Buildings addons 4''>アドオン/建物4]]
-[[''Buildings addons 5''>アドオン/建物5]]
-[[''Other addons''>アドオン/その他]] miscellaneous
-[[''Other addons (Double Slope)''>アドオン/緩急坂/その他...
***Addon 128 [#g5150fb3]
-[[''(128)Trains 1''>Addon128/Train 1]] for 128x128 pixel...
-[[''(128)Trains 2''>Addon128/Train 2]]
-[[''(128)Trains 3''>Addon128/Train 3]]
-[[''(128)Trains 4''>Addon128/Train 4]]
-[[''(128)Trains 5''>Addon128/Train 5]]
-[[''(128)Trains 6''>Addon128/Train 6]]
-[[''(128)Trains 7''>Addon128/Train 7]]
-[[''(128)Trains 8''>Addon128/Train 8]]
-[[''(128)Trains 9''>Addon128/Train 9]]
-[[''(128)Trains 10''>Addon128/Train10]]
-[[''(128)Trains 11''>Addon128/Train11]]
-[[''(128)Trains 12''>Addon128/Train12]]
-[[''(128)Trains 13''>Addon128/Train13]]
-[[''(128)Trains 14''>Addon128/Train14]]
-[[''(128)Trains 15''>Addon128/Train15]]
-[[''(128)Trains 16''>Addon128/Train16]]
-[[''(128)Trains 17''>Addon128/Train17]]
-[[''(128)Trains 18''>Addon128/Train18]]
-[[''(128)Trains 19''>Addon128/Train19]]
-[[''(128)Trains 20''>Addon128/Train20]]
-[[''(128)Trains 21''>Addon128/Train21]]
-[[''(128)Trains 22''>Addon128/Train22]]
-[[''(128)Trains 23''>Addon128/Train23]]
-[[''(128)Trains 24''>Addon128/Train24]]
-[[''(128)Trains 25''>Addon128/Train25]]
-[[''(128)Trains 26''>Addon128/Train26]]
-[[''(128)Trains 27''>Addon128/Train27]]
-[[''(128)Trains 28''>Addon128/Train28]]
-[[''(128)Trucks 1''>Addon128/Trucks]]
-[[''(128)Trucks 2''>Addon128/Trucks2]]
-[[''(128)Aircrafts 1''>Addon128/Aircrafts]]
-[[''(128)Aircrafts 2''>Addon128/Aircrafts 2]]
-[[''(128)Monirail 1''>Addon128/Monorail1]]
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 1 (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSl...
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 2 (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSl...
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 1''>Addon128/RailTools 1]]
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 2''>Addon128/RailTools 2]]
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 3''>Addon128/RailTools 3]]
-[[''(128)Road & Stop (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSlope/R...
-[[''(128)Road & Stop''>Addon128/RoadTools 1]]
-[[''(128)Monorail & Station (Half Slope)''>Addon128/Half...
-[[''(128)Monorail & Station''>Addon128/MonorailTools 1]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 1''>Addon128/Buildings01]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 2''>Addon128/Buildings02]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 3''>Addon128/Buildings03]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 4''>Addon128/Buildings04]]
-[[''(128)City car 1''>Addon128/Citycars 1]]
-[[''(128)Other addons''>Addon128/Others]]
-[[''(128)Other addons (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSlope/...
***Addon 128.Japan [#fabb1123]
-[[''Passenger Car''>Addon128Japan/客車]]
-[[''Freight Car''>Addon128Japan/貨車]]
-[[''Old National Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/旧型国電]]
-[[''National Comuuter Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/通勤...
-[[''National Suburban Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/近郊...
-[[''National Express Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/特急形...
-[[''National Limited Express Electric Car''>Addon128Japa...
-[[''Utility Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/特急形電車#Bagg...
-[[''National Diesel Car''>Addon128Japan/気動車]]
-[[''Major Private Railway''>Addon128Japan/大手私鉄]]
-[[''Minor Private Railway''>Addon128Japan/地方私鉄]]
-[[''The Third Sector Railway''>Addon128Japan/第三セクタ...
-[[''Oversea Railway''>Addon128Japan/第三セクター他#Overs...
-[[''Passenger Ship 1''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Smo...
-[[''Passenger Ship 2''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Coa...
-[[''Passenger Ship 3''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Oce...
-[[''Passenger Ship 4''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Hig...
-[[''Cargo Ship 1''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Cargo/NonInternat...
-[[''Cargo Ship 2''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Cargo/OceanGoing]]
-[[''Other Ship''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Others]]
***Tools [#g6a61150]
-[[''Tools 1''>Tools/Tools01]]
-[[''Script Tools 1''>スクリプト開発#q6664af6]]
***Other [#b1dad769]
-[[''Heightfield Map''>マップ]] Japan, Europe, North Amer...
// Learn more about [[''Japanese railways''>JapaneseRailw...
Learn more about Japanese railways ? (Links to ''Wikipedi...
-''[[Railway companies in Japan:
-''[[Japan Railway:
**Other contents [#eb13eb2c]
Sorry, the pages below are written all in Japanese.
-[[Add-on Development>アドオン開発]]
-[[Japanese Language Text Files>日本語化ファイル]]
-[[Discussion Community Logs>スレッドのまとめ]]
-[[(About this site)>このサイトについて]]
**Comments [#a89949ba]
Please leave your comments freely.~
The blanks below are: ''Your Name'', ''Comment'' (The but...
-I would like to give very many thanks to everyone who he...
--SIZE(12){Thank you very much for your visit and comment...
-Hi! How do you do? That's all right. Rather, it's a grea...
-I'm surprised how quickly are new addons to 128x128 sect...
-I also think those addons are quite excellent. (I'm not ...
-EDIT FILE .PAK -- SIZE(10){2004-01-22 (木) 22:26:15}
-Sim Objects 0.1.2 download -- SIZE(10){2004-01-24 (土) ...
-Sim Objects 0.1.2 download -- SIZE(10){2004-01-24 (土) ...
-Hello! I would like to note, that you can now download b...
-Many thanks and good job! Red Shinkansen is very novel f...
-Thanks Napik for uploading 128 full-set zip version. Now...
-Great site :-) -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){Markus}; SIZE(10)...
-I'd like everyone to know that I'm offering free subdoma...
-I just wonder, why there are no new posts for 128x128 ve...
-The latest package for 128x128 (DD51) is really excellen...
-Thank you! :-) -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){haru}; SIZE(10){2...
-Hello! I would like to ask all authors of 128x128 images...
-Thank you for connecting.Does it mean that the author's ...
-Hello! Actually each vehicle can bear sign of its creato...
-screenshots -- SIZE(10){2004-09-03 (金) 20:37:20}
-128 -- SIZE(10){2004-10-11 (月) 20:49:56}
-Great site. One thing: new pak names in 7 Bit ASCII only...
-Just one more thing and this site becomes a Simutrans pl...
-How about pirate ship for 128? -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){r...
-Prissi, can you have trains slow down smoothly? Some of...
-In station this is possible. Before signals not easily. ...
-In station you can also use a slower track to brake. -- ...
-In station you can also use a slower track to brake. -- ...
-Thx for theese great trains and others. -- &color(#000,#...
-We hope to play Simutrans on the Internet. If we can,We ...
-koka -- SIZE(10){2005-09-30 (金) 03:18:23}
-NO? -- SIZE(10){2005-09-30 (金) 16:49:57}
-ありがとう!! でんしゃだいすき!! ^^ -- &color...
-Signal -- SIZE(10){2005-10-16 (日) 19:06:47}
- Bus -- &new{2005-11-18 (金) 19:58:46};
- If the network version ever happens, I will be running ...
- I tried out the pak128 monorail these days and are quit...
- Ooops... sorry, I thought the posting didn't work and t...
- In the meantime I learned that the Linimo is a maglev b...
- A Bug Report on Gyuudon War: the Syo-yu factory could n...
- To LNBC: your report was quoted to the community. Thank...
- Could everyone to make different type of aircrafts! --...
- Great work you're doing here! Is there any chance your ...
- For DirrrtyDirk, Japanese signal for version 89.02 & up...
- Thanks - Domo arigato! (I got that tip in the english f...
- Can anyone tell me how to paint beautiful new objects l...
- Could anyone tell me how to make such beautiful B747 Ju...
- Hi! On page 128/train7 the file "JRs" cannot b...
- To be more precise: the file is there and can be downlo...
- The file is not broken, and I can download it. Try "sav...
- Yes, when I renamed it, it worked - I don't understand ...
- I have a general question: On the left side is an indic...
- City Limit -- &new{2008-04-14 (月) 20:46:04};
- hong kong -- &new{2008-06-08 (日) 21:57:59};
- hi, i like you website so much that i think i have to p...
- Thank you very much! Your addons are really great! -- &...
- These downloads are wonderful! The graphics are very we...
- You're below the child really compared with a gathering...
- Linimo.pak -- &new{2009-08-26 (水) 21:02:59};
- I like it and I want it more. From pak64. -- &color(#00...
- 私はそれのように、私はそれ以上します。 pak64から。 -- &...
- Obrigado !!! Obrigado !!! Voc醇Ss s醇Io demais, queria...
- Obrigado !!! Amigo!! -- &new{2010-02-02 (火) 00:23:12};
- You're are the best !!! -- &new{2010-02-16 (火) 02:09:...
- You're the best!!! Melhores !!! Muito bons !!! Congratu...
- hospital -- &new{2010-07-16 (金) 15:51:01};
- Wonderful. Good work, Addons perfect and beautiful. Con...
- Hello, friends! I'm visiting again (in fact, I access e...
- amtrak -- &new{2011-04-28 (木) 06:40:43};
- Hello, family Simutrans Japan! The work called for pak...
- Hello. I don't know how to convert pak64 addons to pak1...
- Ok, I understand. Thanks for the reply. I'll try to do ...
- stockholm -- &new{2012-01-06 (金) 21:15:52};
- Hello, I'm trying to get hold of author 555 who made so...
- Don't bother anymore. It was on copyright issues, since...
- pak128 japan -- &new{2012-02-09 (木) 17:38:55};
- Hello! Every day I visit you, and am very happy with th...
- Link:
- airport -- &new{2012-07-15 (日) 01:46:02};
- Hello, I'm here hoping to get some help.I'm playing sim...
- I use ground tool to change height of track. -- &color(...
- That's an idea, can I do this with using rail tools onl...
- Good day Gave it technical problems with the server on ...
- Can someone create the trains on Tsukuba Express for pa...
- will we see new aircrafts packs soon ? -- &new{2013-08...
- will we see new aircrafts pack soon as there is no airc...
- on addons/64/trains_04 is still unavai...
- New version is available! on http://j...
- docs -- &new{2014-07-02 (水) 00:48:22};
- Thank you! Since has been downloaded! -- &color(#000,#F...
- Hello, the of pak 64 is unavaliable, c...
- Would you release the aircraft of pak 128 of cathay pac...
- every addon is welcome ^.^ -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){hihi...
- Under which license do you release your wonderful addon...
- FEQKNjgwQEnnXEqg -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){evdmpptojm}; &...
- would you make pak64 aircraft of peach aviation? -- &co...
- 画像が正し -- &new{2016-10-03 (月) 18:36:30};
- 画像が正し -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){598}; &new{2016-10-0...
- Hellow everyone. I'm here to ask for some help on pak64...
- Awesome site! Add-ons are such high quality, thank you ...
- Hindi movie free download -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){HINDI...
- Amtrak -- &new{2018-09-27 (木) 16:06:55};
- Akita -- &new{2020-01-03 (金) 00:13:12};
- is it possible to make a pak that contains all 128 paks...
- maybe possible -- &new{2021-09-20 (月) 10:58:35};
''Leave a message above.'' [[Search?:http://japanese.simu...
[[Simutrans JAPAN top>FrontPage]]
*Site Map [#v602bb45]
Welcome to ''Simutrans JAPAN''
This is the English Site Map.
The ''highlighted'' pages will be useful for the overseas...
//LEFT:&size(10){English contents will increase, includin...
**Download contents [#v0e560d0]
Pages linked below are written both in Japanese and Engli...
(Some items are not yet translated, maybe performed later.)
#ref(Addon128/Train 1/series0.gif,around,nolink,right,the...
Downloads are available directly from each pages' links,
shown with thumbnails.
#ref(アドオン/建物1/shiro.gif,around,nolink,70%,"shiro", ...
#ref(アドオン/列車5/eurostar.png,around,nolink,right,an e...
Now vehicle addons are over 100,
mainly designs which really exist in Japanese domestic li...
with accurate properties.
#ref(Addon128/Train 1/dc22_128a.png,around,nolink,right,a...
Original buildings, real-shaped maps,
and addons for the forthcoming 128x128 pixel set are also...
New addons are posted almost everyday!
***Addon 64 [#g6a61150]
-[[''Train addons 1''>アドオン/列車1]] JR (Japan Railway,...
-[[''Train addons 2''>アドオン/列車2]] Private Railways
-[[''Train addons 3''>アドオン/列車3]] a sequel to the tr...
-[[''Train addons 4''>アドオン/列車4]]
-[[''Train addons 5''>アドオン/列車5]]
-[[''Train addons 6''>アドオン/列車6]]
-[[''Train addons 7''>アドオン/列車7]]
-[[''Train addons 8''>アドオン/列車8]]
-[[''Train addons 9''>アドオン/列車9]]
-[[''Train addons 10''>アドオン/列車10]]
-[[''Train addons 11''>アドオン/列車11]]
-[[''Train addons 12''>アドオン/列車12]]
-[[''Train addons 13''>アドオン/列車13]]
-[[''Train addons 14''>アドオン/列車14]]
-[[''Train addons 15''>アドオン/列車15]]
-[[''Train addons 16''>アドオン/列車16]]
-[[''Train addons 17''>アドオン/列車17]]
-[[''Train addons 18''>アドオン/列車18]]
-[[''Train addons 19''>アドオン/列車19]]
-[[''Train addons 20''>アドオン/列車20]]
-[[''Train addons 21''>アドオン/列車21]]
-[[''Train addons 22''>アドオン/列車22]]
-[[''Monorail addons (Double Slope)''>アドオン/緩急坂/モ...
-[[''Monorail addons''>アドオン/monorail]] monorail
-[[''Truck addons 1''>アドオン/自動車]] trucks
-[[''Truck addons 2''>アドオン/自動車2]]
-[[''city car''>アドオン/街の車]] city car
-[[''Ships addons 1''>アドオン/船]] ships
-[[''Ships addons 2''>アドオン/船2]]
-[[''Aircrafts addons''>アドオン/飛行機]] aircrafts
-[[''rail & station add-on (Double Slope) 1''>アドオン/緩...
-[[''rail & station add-on (Double Slope) 2''>アドオン/緩...
-[[''rail & station add-on 1''>アドオン/railtool]] rail &...
-[[''rail & station add-on 2''>アドオン/railtool2]]
-[[''road & stop add-on (Double Slope) 1''>アドオン/緩急...
-[[''road & stop add-on (Double Slope) 2''>アドオン/緩急...
-[[''road & stop add-on''>アドオン/交通施設 2]] road & s...
-[[''Buildings addons 1''>アドオン/建物1]] buildings
-[[''Buildings addons 2''>アドオン/建物2]]
-[[''Buildings addons 3''>アドオン/建物3]]
-[[''Buildings addons 4''>アドオン/建物4]]
-[[''Buildings addons 5''>アドオン/建物5]]
-[[''Other addons''>アドオン/その他]] miscellaneous
-[[''Other addons (Double Slope)''>アドオン/緩急坂/その他...
***Addon 128 [#g5150fb3]
-[[''(128)Trains 1''>Addon128/Train 1]] for 128x128 pixel...
-[[''(128)Trains 2''>Addon128/Train 2]]
-[[''(128)Trains 3''>Addon128/Train 3]]
-[[''(128)Trains 4''>Addon128/Train 4]]
-[[''(128)Trains 5''>Addon128/Train 5]]
-[[''(128)Trains 6''>Addon128/Train 6]]
-[[''(128)Trains 7''>Addon128/Train 7]]
-[[''(128)Trains 8''>Addon128/Train 8]]
-[[''(128)Trains 9''>Addon128/Train 9]]
-[[''(128)Trains 10''>Addon128/Train10]]
-[[''(128)Trains 11''>Addon128/Train11]]
-[[''(128)Trains 12''>Addon128/Train12]]
-[[''(128)Trains 13''>Addon128/Train13]]
-[[''(128)Trains 14''>Addon128/Train14]]
-[[''(128)Trains 15''>Addon128/Train15]]
-[[''(128)Trains 16''>Addon128/Train16]]
-[[''(128)Trains 17''>Addon128/Train17]]
-[[''(128)Trains 18''>Addon128/Train18]]
-[[''(128)Trains 19''>Addon128/Train19]]
-[[''(128)Trains 20''>Addon128/Train20]]
-[[''(128)Trains 21''>Addon128/Train21]]
-[[''(128)Trains 22''>Addon128/Train22]]
-[[''(128)Trains 23''>Addon128/Train23]]
-[[''(128)Trains 24''>Addon128/Train24]]
-[[''(128)Trains 25''>Addon128/Train25]]
-[[''(128)Trains 26''>Addon128/Train26]]
-[[''(128)Trains 27''>Addon128/Train27]]
-[[''(128)Trains 28''>Addon128/Train28]]
-[[''(128)Trucks 1''>Addon128/Trucks]]
-[[''(128)Trucks 2''>Addon128/Trucks2]]
-[[''(128)Aircrafts 1''>Addon128/Aircrafts]]
-[[''(128)Aircrafts 2''>Addon128/Aircrafts 2]]
-[[''(128)Monirail 1''>Addon128/Monorail1]]
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 1 (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSl...
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 2 (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSl...
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 1''>Addon128/RailTools 1]]
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 2''>Addon128/RailTools 2]]
-[[''(128)Rail & Station 3''>Addon128/RailTools 3]]
-[[''(128)Road & Stop (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSlope/R...
-[[''(128)Road & Stop''>Addon128/RoadTools 1]]
-[[''(128)Monorail & Station (Half Slope)''>Addon128/Half...
-[[''(128)Monorail & Station''>Addon128/MonorailTools 1]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 1''>Addon128/Buildings01]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 2''>Addon128/Buildings02]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 3''>Addon128/Buildings03]]
-[[''(128)Buildings 4''>Addon128/Buildings04]]
-[[''(128)City car 1''>Addon128/Citycars 1]]
-[[''(128)Other addons''>Addon128/Others]]
-[[''(128)Other addons (Half Slope)''>Addon128/HalfSlope/...
***Addon 128.Japan [#fabb1123]
-[[''Passenger Car''>Addon128Japan/客車]]
-[[''Freight Car''>Addon128Japan/貨車]]
-[[''Old National Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/旧型国電]]
-[[''National Comuuter Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/通勤...
-[[''National Suburban Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/近郊...
-[[''National Express Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/特急形...
-[[''National Limited Express Electric Car''>Addon128Japa...
-[[''Utility Electric Car''>Addon128Japan/特急形電車#Bagg...
-[[''National Diesel Car''>Addon128Japan/気動車]]
-[[''Major Private Railway''>Addon128Japan/大手私鉄]]
-[[''Minor Private Railway''>Addon128Japan/地方私鉄]]
-[[''The Third Sector Railway''>Addon128Japan/第三セクタ...
-[[''Oversea Railway''>Addon128Japan/第三セクター他#Overs...
-[[''Passenger Ship 1''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Smo...
-[[''Passenger Ship 2''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Coa...
-[[''Passenger Ship 3''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Oce...
-[[''Passenger Ship 4''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Passenger/Hig...
-[[''Cargo Ship 1''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Cargo/NonInternat...
-[[''Cargo Ship 2''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Cargo/OceanGoing]]
-[[''Other Ship''>Addon128Japan/Ships/Others]]
***Tools [#g6a61150]
-[[''Tools 1''>Tools/Tools01]]
-[[''Script Tools 1''>スクリプト開発#q6664af6]]
***Other [#b1dad769]
-[[''Heightfield Map''>マップ]] Japan, Europe, North Amer...
// Learn more about [[''Japanese railways''>JapaneseRailw...
Learn more about Japanese railways ? (Links to ''Wikipedi...
-''[[Railway companies in Japan:
-''[[Japan Railway:
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**Comments [#a89949ba]
Please leave your comments freely.~
The blanks below are: ''Your Name'', ''Comment'' (The but...
-I would like to give very many thanks to everyone who he...
--SIZE(12){Thank you very much for your visit and comment...
-Hi! How do you do? That's all right. Rather, it's a grea...
-I'm surprised how quickly are new addons to 128x128 sect...
-I also think those addons are quite excellent. (I'm not ...
-EDIT FILE .PAK -- SIZE(10){2004-01-22 (木) 22:26:15}
-Sim Objects 0.1.2 download -- SIZE(10){2004-01-24 (土) ...
-Sim Objects 0.1.2 download -- SIZE(10){2004-01-24 (土) ...
-Hello! I would like to note, that you can now download b...
-Many thanks and good job! Red Shinkansen is very novel f...
-Thanks Napik for uploading 128 full-set zip version. Now...
-Great site :-) -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){Markus}; SIZE(10)...
-I'd like everyone to know that I'm offering free subdoma...
-I just wonder, why there are no new posts for 128x128 ve...
-The latest package for 128x128 (DD51) is really excellen...
-Thank you! :-) -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){haru}; SIZE(10){2...
-Hello! I would like to ask all authors of 128x128 images...
-Thank you for connecting.Does it mean that the author's ...
-Hello! Actually each vehicle can bear sign of its creato...
-screenshots -- SIZE(10){2004-09-03 (金) 20:37:20}
-128 -- SIZE(10){2004-10-11 (月) 20:49:56}
-Great site. One thing: new pak names in 7 Bit ASCII only...
-Just one more thing and this site becomes a Simutrans pl...
-How about pirate ship for 128? -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){r...
-Prissi, can you have trains slow down smoothly? Some of...
-In station this is possible. Before signals not easily. ...
-In station you can also use a slower track to brake. -- ...
-In station you can also use a slower track to brake. -- ...
-Thx for theese great trains and others. -- &color(#000,#...
-We hope to play Simutrans on the Internet. If we can,We ...
-koka -- SIZE(10){2005-09-30 (金) 03:18:23}
-NO? -- SIZE(10){2005-09-30 (金) 16:49:57}
-ありがとう!! でんしゃだいすき!! ^^ -- &color...
-Signal -- SIZE(10){2005-10-16 (日) 19:06:47}
- Bus -- &new{2005-11-18 (金) 19:58:46};
- If the network version ever happens, I will be running ...
- I tried out the pak128 monorail these days and are quit...
- Ooops... sorry, I thought the posting didn't work and t...
- In the meantime I learned that the Linimo is a maglev b...
- A Bug Report on Gyuudon War: the Syo-yu factory could n...
- To LNBC: your report was quoted to the community. Thank...
- Could everyone to make different type of aircrafts! --...
- Great work you're doing here! Is there any chance your ...
- For DirrrtyDirk, Japanese signal for version 89.02 & up...
- Thanks - Domo arigato! (I got that tip in the english f...
- Can anyone tell me how to paint beautiful new objects l...
- Could anyone tell me how to make such beautiful B747 Ju...
- Hi! On page 128/train7 the file "JRs" cannot b...
- To be more precise: the file is there and can be downlo...
- The file is not broken, and I can download it. Try "sav...
- Yes, when I renamed it, it worked - I don't understand ...
- I have a general question: On the left side is an indic...
- City Limit -- &new{2008-04-14 (月) 20:46:04};
- hong kong -- &new{2008-06-08 (日) 21:57:59};
- hi, i like you website so much that i think i have to p...
- Thank you very much! Your addons are really great! -- &...
- These downloads are wonderful! The graphics are very we...
- You're below the child really compared with a gathering...
- Linimo.pak -- &new{2009-08-26 (水) 21:02:59};
- I like it and I want it more. From pak64. -- &color(#00...
- 私はそれのように、私はそれ以上します。 pak64から。 -- &...
- Obrigado !!! Obrigado !!! Voc醇Ss s醇Io demais, queria...
- Obrigado !!! Amigo!! -- &new{2010-02-02 (火) 00:23:12};
- You're are the best !!! -- &new{2010-02-16 (火) 02:09:...
- You're the best!!! Melhores !!! Muito bons !!! Congratu...
- hospital -- &new{2010-07-16 (金) 15:51:01};
- Wonderful. Good work, Addons perfect and beautiful. Con...
- Hello, friends! I'm visiting again (in fact, I access e...
- amtrak -- &new{2011-04-28 (木) 06:40:43};
- Hello, family Simutrans Japan! The work called for pak...
- Hello. I don't know how to convert pak64 addons to pak1...
- Ok, I understand. Thanks for the reply. I'll try to do ...
- stockholm -- &new{2012-01-06 (金) 21:15:52};
- Hello, I'm trying to get hold of author 555 who made so...
- Don't bother anymore. It was on copyright issues, since...
- pak128 japan -- &new{2012-02-09 (木) 17:38:55};
- Hello! Every day I visit you, and am very happy with th...
- Link:
- airport -- &new{2012-07-15 (日) 01:46:02};
- Hello, I'm here hoping to get some help.I'm playing sim...
- I use ground tool to change height of track. -- &color(...
- That's an idea, can I do this with using rail tools onl...
- Good day Gave it technical problems with the server on ...
- Can someone create the trains on Tsukuba Express for pa...
- will we see new aircrafts packs soon ? -- &new{2013-08...
- will we see new aircrafts pack soon as there is no airc...
- on addons/64/trains_04 is still unavai...
- New version is available! on http://j...
- docs -- &new{2014-07-02 (水) 00:48:22};
- Thank you! Since has been downloaded! -- &color(#000,#F...
- Hello, the of pak 64 is unavaliable, c...
- Would you release the aircraft of pak 128 of cathay pac...
- every addon is welcome ^.^ -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){hihi...
- Under which license do you release your wonderful addon...
- FEQKNjgwQEnnXEqg -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){evdmpptojm}; &...
- would you make pak64 aircraft of peach aviation? -- &co...
- 画像が正し -- &new{2016-10-03 (月) 18:36:30};
- 画像が正し -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){598}; &new{2016-10-0...
- Hellow everyone. I'm here to ask for some help on pak64...
- Awesome site! Add-ons are such high quality, thank you ...
- Hindi movie free download -- &color(#000,#FFFACC){HINDI...
- Amtrak -- &new{2018-09-27 (木) 16:06:55};
- Akita -- &new{2020-01-03 (金) 00:13:12};
- is it possible to make a pak that contains all 128 paks...
- maybe possible -- &new{2021-09-20 (月) 10:58:35};
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