*サイトマップ [#gca45092]

**Download contents [#w917fd2b]
**各ページの解説 [#f422b42c]

Pages linked below are written both in Japanese and English.
(Some items are not yet translated, maybe performed later.)
#ref(Addon128/1.Train/series0.gif,around,nolink,right,the bullet train "shin-kan-sen", one of the world fastest. This is the first type and already retired) 
Downloads are available directly from each pages' links,
shown with thumbnails.
-[[トップページ>FrontPage]] サイトの入り口です
-[[インストール>インストールの仕方]] プレイをするための準備の仕方です
-[[日本語化ファイル]] ゲームで日本語表示をするための解説です
-[[アドオン]] 日本の職人さんたちが作った車輌や建物を追加できます
-[[チュートリアル]] シムトランスの入門ガイドです
-[[メモ(Tips)>メモ]] ゲームプレイに役立つ様々なテクニック
-[[資料]] ゲームプレイに役立つ様々な資料
-[[用語集]] ゲームに関係する言葉の解説です
-[[スクリーンショット総合]] プレイ中の画面
-[[セーブデータ]] プレイを進めた状態のデータ
-[[マップ]] ゲーム開始時に読み込む地形データです
-[[Simutrans開発>開発]] アドオンなどを開発するための方法、資料など
-[[simuconfig]] ゲーム設定を簡単に変更できるツールの紹介です
-[[よくある質問(FAQ)>FAQ]] わからないことがあればまず目を通してください
-[[リンク]] シムトランスに関係する他のサイトの紹介です
-[[このサイトについて]] このサイトについての解説です
-掲示板(再開準備中) 掲示板は現在再開準備中です
-[[サイトマップ>Sitemap.jp]] このページです
-[[Sitemap]] (English) 海外からのお客様のためのサイトマップ

#ref(アドオン/その他/shiro.gif,around,nolink,70%,"shiro", Japanese castle of the old samurai era)
#ref(アドオン/列車5/JRw125.png,around,nolink,right,an electric car for a local line, rumored to be build by the money of the national energy policy)
Now vehicle addons are over 100, 
mainly designs which really exist in Japanese domestic lines,
with accurate properties.
#ref(Addon128/1.Train/dc22_128a.png,around,nolink,right,a diesel car of good-old days, which ran mainly on the local lines in the red)
Original buildings, real-shaped maps, 
and addons for the forthcoming 128x128 pixel set are also available.
New addons are posted almost everyday!

***Addon 64 [#x073ac0d]
-[[''Train addons 1''>アドオン/列車1]] JR (Japan Railway, formerly JNR: Japan National Railways)
-[[''Train addons 2''>アドオン/列車2]] Private Railways
-[[''Train addons 3''>アドオン/列車3]] a sequel to the trains 1 and 2
-[[''Train addons 4''>アドオン/列車4]]
-[[''Train addons 5''>アドオン/列車5]]
-[[''Train addons 6''>アドオン/列車6]]
-[[''Truck addons''>アドオン/自動車]] trucks
-[[''Ships addons''>アドオン/船]] ships
-[[''Aircrafts addons''>アドオン/飛行機]] aircrafts
-[[''Other addons''>アドオン/その他]] buildings, miscellaneous
***Addon 128 [#yc0f2ce2]
-[[''(128)Trains 1''>Addon128/1.Train]] for 128x128 pixel tiles
-[[''(128)Trains 2''>Addon128/Train 2]]
-[[''(128)Trains 3''>Addon128/Train 3]]
-[[''(128)Trains 4''>Addon128/Train 4]]
-[[''(128)Trains 5''>Addon128/Train 5]]
-[[''(128)Trains 6''>Addon128/Train 6]]
-[[''(128)Other addons''>Addon128/Others]]
***Other [#m241c9c7]
-[[''Heightfield Map''>マップ]] Japan, Europe, North America
-[[''Save Data''>セーブデータ]]
-[[''simuconfig'':http://config.simutrans.com/]] Simutrans tab files editor tool

// Learn more about [[''Japanese railways''>JapaneseRailways]]?
Learn more about Japanese railways ? (Links to ''Wikipedia'')

-''[[Railway companies in Japan:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_railway_companies_in_Japan]]''
-''[[Japan Railway:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Railway]]''

**Other contents [#e340563e]

Partly in English.

-[[Japanese Language Paks>日本語化ファイル]]

Sorry, the pages below are written all in Japanese.

-[[Discussion Community Logs>スレッドのまとめ]]
-[[Site BBS:http://simutrans.s28.xrea.com/bbs/]]
-[[(How to join in our site)>このサイトについて]]

**Comments [#rc3eca75]
Please leave your comments freely.~
The blanks below are: ''Your Name'', ''Comment'' (The button is a submit button.)
-I would like to give very many thanks to everyone who helped to make this site accessible to english speaking visitors. And I would also like to send many thanks to the authors of those magnificant images for 128x128 image set. -- [[Napik (Tomas Kubes)]] SIZE(10){2004-01-10 (土) 07:55:43}
--SIZE(12){Thank you very much for your visit and comment, and adding an introduction to the forum page. It's our pleasure to share the resources with foreign people, and we are very happy to hear that some Japanese vehicle paks will be included in the future release (though I'm not a painter). The Japanse Simutrans community seems getting larger, so it must be possible to contribute from many aspects, i think. -- [[kn]]} SIZE(10){2004-01-10 (土) 09:53:13}
-Hi! How do you do? That's all right. Rather, it's a great pleasure for me, that 128x128 image set include my image. -- [[Kikin Sharyo]] SIZE(10){2004-01-10 (土) 21:31:57}
-I'm surprised how quickly are new addons to 128x128 section appearing. And their quality is almost allways perfect, outstanding. It is very nice, that we can now cooperate with Japanese players to make Simutrans better and better. I send many thanks to all contributors! -- [[Napik (Tomas Kubes)]] SIZE(10){2004-01-12 (月) 05:31:00}
-I also think those addons are quite excellent. (I'm not an addon author) I'm very glad Japanese players contribute to Simutrans. -- [[Administrator]] SIZE(10){2004-01-13 (火) 01:17:01}
-EDIT FILE .PAK --  SIZE(10){2004-01-22 (木) 22:26:15}
-Sim Objects 0.1.2 download --  SIZE(10){2004-01-24 (土) 00:49:20}
-Sim Objects 0.1.2 download --  SIZE(10){2004-01-24 (土) 00:49:48}
-Hello! I would like to note, that you can now download beta version of pak128 from http://128.simutrans.com . This set already contains Japan (your's) contributions! (I had to slightly change some trains for the official release. I hope that you will not hate me for doing so.) -- [[Napik (Tomas Kubes)]] SIZE(10){2004-02-12 (木) 19:47:55}
-Many thanks and good job! Red Shinkansen is very novel for me. -- [[Kikin Sharyo]] SIZE(10){2004-02-12 (木) 20:45:51}
-Thanks Napik for uploading 128 full-set zip version. Now we can install them much easier. -- [[I-608]] SIZE(10){2004-02-14 (土) 00:57:09}
-Great site :-) -- [[Markus]] SIZE(10){2004-03-25 (木) 08:13:01}
-I'd like everyone to know that I'm offering free subdomains (with webspace and bandwidth) on simutrans.com for fansites. Although I speak only English (sorry!), the sites would not have to be in English. Strictly for anything SimuTrans related, and strictly free. I can't contribute much to the community, but I can that. You can email postmaster@simutrans.com to request a subdomain... -- [[Isaac Eiland-Hall]] SIZE(10){2004-03-27 (土) 13:10:23}
-I just wonder, why there are no new posts for 128x128 version of Simutrans. -- [[Napik (Tomas Kubes)]] SIZE(10){2004-05-13 (木) 03:22:05}
-The latest package for 128x128 (DD51) is really excellent! -- [[Napik (Tomas Kubes)]] SIZE(10){2004-07-11 (日) 16:56:08}
-Thank you! :-) -- [[haru]] SIZE(10){2004-07-12 (月) 23:17:48}
-Hello! I would like to ask all authors of 128x128 images if they can include their names (rewritten to English) in dat files (if it is possible). I try to collect names of all contributors so players can see who is responsible for all that beuaty. -- [[Napik (Tomas Kubes)]] SIZE(10){2004-08-02 (月) 05:36:22}
-Thank you for connecting.Does it mean that the author's name is included in the name of a vehicle (for example "name=Haru_BR-103")? I think that nobody of this site probably refuses it. And Please do so about my works. PS. I downloaded the new version of pak128. And I'm very glad that the vehicles which I drew are included in it. Thank you Napik!! -- [[Haru]] SIZE(10){2004-08-06 (金) 02:07:04}
-Hello! Actually each vehicle can bear sign of its creator. It can be a name or some nick or what ever. Currently there is nothing like this for Japan vehicles as I have no proper data. But I will gladly correct it. You can see what is in the set now, so please let me know how would you like to name your vehicles (and what are your vehicles). (write to t_kubes [at] yahoo [dot] com) Currently some Japan vehicles have no creator reported as it was written only in Japanese. Please help the players that do not speak English to do so too. Juste drop mail to me for them. I hope that everyone will be honest and will not steal work of others. I will try to chekc it, but my abilities are limited. To older post: curent scheme is this - each image bears authors full name (embeded to image file), currently many Japanese iamges do not have the authors name as I was unable to find English translation of it. I would like to correct it. -- [[Napik (Tomas Kubes)]] SIZE(10){2004-08-11 (水) 06:41:29}
-screenshots --  SIZE(10){2004-09-03 (金) 20:37:20}
-128 --  SIZE(10){2004-10-11 (月) 20:49:56}
-Great site. One thing: new pak names in 7 Bit ASCII only, since SJis does not work on many western system (as Umlaute do not work in japanese). -- [[prissi]] SIZE(10){2004-10-12 (火) 06:31:56}
-Just one more thing and this site becomes a Simutrans player's heaven: link "download everything"! -- [[VS]] SIZE(10){2004-12-30 (木) 05:32:54}
-How about pirate ship for 128? -- [[rctxtreme]] SIZE(10){2005-03-12 (土) 12:26:29}
-Prissi, can you have trains slow down smoothly?  Some of us think that trains isn't naturally because of their stopping anywhere suddenly. -- [[kj]] SIZE(10){2005-08-01 (月) 12:26:06}
-In station this is possible. Before signals not easily. Trains check their next square before hop. Only then they find the red signal. -- [[prissi]] SIZE(10){2005-08-06 (土) 22:51:48}
-In station you can also use a slower track to brake. -- [[prissi]] SIZE(10){2005-08-06 (土) 23:02:33}
-In station you can also use a slower track to brake. -- [[prissi]] SIZE(10){2005-08-07 (日) 00:19:03}
-Thx for theese great trains and others. -- [[Andrew Toth from Hungary]] SIZE(10){2005-09-17 (土) 05:54:35}
-We hope to play Simutrans on the Internet. If we can,We will compete or cooperate with some players. I think it suitable that someone freely make a web server to have some people able to play it.Prissi, could you think about this? -- [[kj]] SIZE(10){2005-09-19 (月) 16:38:06}
-koka --  SIZE(10){2005-09-30 (金) 03:18:23}
-NO? --  SIZE(10){2005-09-30 (金) 16:49:57}
-ありがとう!!  でんしゃだいすき!!  ^^ -- [[dannyman]] SIZE(10){2005-10-07 (金) 10:57:58}
-Signal --  SIZE(10){2005-10-16 (日) 19:06:47}
- Bus --  &new{2005-11-18 (金) 19:58:46};
- If the network version ever happens, I will be running a server. Of course, it depends on how many games I am able to run on a single server as to how many games I'll run... But I will be running as many as possible... :-D  -- in other news, I praised you (Japanese Simutrans community) before, but again I'm astonished at the brilliant, unique ideas you are coming up with. Bravo!!! Bravo!! Please don't stop! It's wonderful to see your hard work trickle back to the English Simutrans community. I hope someone shares the praises we say back to you all! Wonderful, brilliant work. I love it when you all push the boundaries (bus terminal, bridge pillars, unusual things that just make Simutrans much better!) -- [[Isaac.Eiland-Hall]] &new{2005-12-04 (日) 16:21:03};
- I tried out the pak128 monorail these days and are quite impressed. The elevated track works fine and can be niceley combined with railway and bus stations. Hovever there are some points that could be better. At most, the track price is set far too high in my opinion and the player may go bankrupt by building just a short line. Accordung to Alweg and Hitachi monorail tracks are comparatively cheap, even cheaper than normal railway tracks. What is still missing are bridges and the possibility to build tracks over water as with real life monorails. The graphics are made in way that the trains seem to ride on a wide track, but real life monorails ride on narrow concrete beams covered by the lower part of the vehicle. I'm not quite sure if this could be changed due to the way simutrans vehicles go around curves. -- [[aries]] &new{2006-01-15 (日) 02:44:43};
- Ooops... sorry, I thought the posting didn't work and tried several times. I apologise for the repeat -- [[aries]] &new{2006-01-15 (日) 02:57:49};
- In the meantime I learned that the Linimo is a maglev based on layed-off Transrapid patents. (The best place to buy German high technology seems still to be Japan ;-) Well, maglevs rido on wide tracks and track prices are high and I was wrong with my criticism. However, this fine monorail will be favourable with the freeplay option. Best wishes :-) -- [[aries]] &new{2006-01-22 (日) 18:12:28};


[[Simutrans JAPAN top>Simutrans日本語化・解説]]